楽譜置き場 "Scooooore"


このサイトでは, Ayatoが作成した楽譜を公開しています.


ただし,動画共有サイトにある音源/動画を そのままの形で無断転載することはおやめください (歌や伴奏をつけたり,「紹介」という形で短く引用したりするのはOK).


This website has music scores from mainly anime and video games

Feel free to use the MIDIs and music sheets in this website. You don't have to notice me unless you credit.
On the other hand, please do not copy and reproduce the audio/video "as is" on YouTube/niconico without permission. It's okay to use the audio if you add some arranging (e.g. singing/accompanying).

更新履歴 updates

Score: Lifelight / 灯火の星
Score: Trancing Pulse
Score: ピアチェーレ
Score: Oceanus
Score: Everlasting Message
Score: Pure White
Score: でび&えん☆Reversible- Ring (Full version)
Score: Fluquor
Score: Reverse - Parallel Universe
Score: ANiMA
Score: Myosotis
Score: ドリームパレード
Score: For UltraPlayers
Score: でび&えん☆Reversible- Ring
Score: ハピ恋☆らぶりぃタイム!!
Score: 0-week-old (プリパラ)
Score: glacia (jubeat)
Score: Arcanos (REFLEC)
Score: デンドロビウム (IIDX)
Score: 朱と碧のランページ (pop'n)
Score: Parousia (Deemo)
Website: modified the whole layout of this website
Score: Sakura iro no yume (Deemo)
website started on , redesigned on